Love Food Hate Waste bags

The nice thing about working with a broad range of clients is that we get to explore different ways of reaching their various audiences. This variety means that, despite our experience, we still work on ideas that are new and exciting to us.

We recently had the opportunity of working with London Remade and Western Riverside council on a new project to promote the Love Food Hate Waste campaign in an aim to reduce food wastage.

The artwork took the form of 12” square paper grocery bags printed with a series of advice and website details. These were then distributed, strung in sets of 100, free to local shops and market traders in Western Riverside. A few reasons why we love these bags:

  • They are completely practical, being used straight away and large enough for any grocery purchase
  • Traders love getting free and practical stuff meaning that they are more than willing to help promote the message across the district
  • They are extremely cost efficient when compared to the amount of exposure, the area and the demographics they reach
  • They are distributed for longer than any press ad runs
  • The public are much more engaged with practical items rather than the more typical promotional items such as magnets and pens
  • They’re 100% recycled and can be recycled again in any typical paper collection
  • They are easily customised, one or two sides, with any choice of artwork and are available in the natural manilla brown or white meaning that full colour print can be used without colour bias

That’s right we get excited about paper bags but think of the potential. More and more people support local shops and markets. Supermarkets are using these types of bag, once again, as an alternative to plastic. Lateral thinking like this is much more likely to create an impact so why not give us a call and see what we can add to your next campaign?